Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I had planned on playing Badminton yesterday with some of the office staff, so I sent the driver home early. When there were few takers in the office to go, I took a taxi home. The fare is about RMB13, which boils down to about USD1.86. I asked him where a good place to buy cheap clothing is and he pointed to a building close to the flat where I am staying. I walked through the building, finding nothing suitable to wear to work (I should have packed more dress shirts as the dry cleaners take about a week here) and I turned down the street to the side of the building. There, I found local everyday night life. Small shops sold knock-off clothing and cheap local brands. Small store owners were sitting around low tables playing Majiang and a number of restaurants had some business. As I walked down the street, I saw a crowd of people sitting at low tables near billowing smoke. I stopped to see what was so popular. As you can see in the photo, a very long thin grill had been constructed to hold kabob sticks. They beef, lamb and chicken, each for RMB1. I looked around for a while more to find that it was the place to be. Absolutely no place in a 3 block radius had so many people, so I returned and had the lamb. While I was waiting, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Nearly half of the people sitting outside were staring at me, not in a threatening way mind you, they were just curious about the tall white boy who was ordering lamb kebobs at a local place in Chinese.

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