Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I was walking over to the Xiaobailou Area (one of the 3 major CBDs in Tianjin) and I happened upon a beautiful display setup for the Olympics. I had not seen so many flowers in such a space, so I stopped to see what they had. A plethora of pansies and chrysanthemums, but they were all in 4 inch pots and looked like they had not been watered for a few days. I see a trend emerging here; put forth enormous amounts of energy to attain instant results with absolutely no thought of sustainability. It was not the flowers which brought forth this epiphany, but they are merely an example. I marvel at the vast inefficiencies with appreciation of the very worthy effort.

1 comment:

Aunt Connie said...

I love reading and looking at all that you are doing it is so awesome. They sure have a different life style dont they. Looking forward to your next entry. Be safe

Love Aunt Connie